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5 short FILMS

Bring a dash of yoga

to your daily going abouts


To encourage people to do a bit of yoga here and there, now and again in their daily lives, One Little Rabbit Cat and I have made 5 individual and very different street yoga films. In my classes, I'm always encouraging my students to do a daily yoga practice. It doesn't have to be much. A little something each day helps nourish and relax the body and mind. To help and to inspire, we have made a few films of just that: dashes of yoga in my daily going abouts.



#1     Watch

#2     Enjoy

#3     Watch again and join in with me

#4     Repeat  # 3 often

#5     Take it to the streets: Learn the sequence, 

         do it now and again, here or there, 

         at home, at the office, in a cafe, or 

         ... anywhere and everywhere

Have fun!

Get a kick out of yoga!

# 1  office arms

# 2  toothbrush tree

# 3

streetcar shoulders

# 4  pink mountain

# 5  cafe twist


now and again

here   and   there

bring a  dash  of yoga 

to  your daily going  abouts 

English Yoga in Berlin, Yin Yoga in friedenau, HATHA Yoga in kreuzberg, Yin & YANG Yoga in steglitz, English Yoga Retreats in Germany,   english  Yoga holidays,  yoga dvd,  yoga films,  private classesYin Yoga Berlon, English Yoga BErlin, hatha yoga berlin, fun yoga, englsih hatha berlin

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